O'Neill Nebraska

Director - Mark Urwiller

Staff: Leon Thompson, Lianna Murphy

Join Our Free Email And/Or Text List!  Send Me An Email.  Check the "Photos" Link for New Photos!

The Comet is Here - See The Visitation Page!


A Visit to the Observatory

Can Be Very Uplifting!



Come See Us!  Our Sky Is Beautiful!

Astronomical League Members

   Affiliate of NASA's Night Sky Network     

Clicking on the above banner takes you to the Clear Sky Clock site. You will see the same banner except each square is hyperlinked to detailed prediction maps. 

Under the banner you will also find other great information such as a "Road Map" to the observatory site.  Check it out!

The observatory has a Weatherflow Tempest weather station at the site. 

Click on the photo below for realtime conditions.

Once on the linked page you will see live weather data.  Click on any of the parameters to see graphs of recent data. 

To get back to the grid page you click the "X" in the upper right of the graph.


Keep Checking These Pages. I Change Them Periodically.

Would You Like To Join An Area Astronomy Club? Check Out The Platte Valley Astronomical Observers (Click This Title)


We Here At The Observatory Have A Love For Birds As Well.  I Volunteered at Audubon Rowe Sanctuary Near Gibbon Many Years From 1982 Up To 2017.  If You Would Like Information On Crane And Waterfowl Viewing, Click On The Graphic Below!


If you're visiting this site you're obviously interested in nature.  If you want to see more nature photos - including astrophotos, please visit my photo site.  The logo is linked.

Go Huskers![IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE]


Send comments to:

Mark Urwiller - Web Page Administrator

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